2024 Andromeda
 2024 Star Trails
 2024 total eclipse
 2023 annular eclipse
 2017 total eclipse
 2014 partial eclipse
 2004 Venus transit
 2003 annular eclipse
Celestial Events
I avoided the money pit of deep sky astrophotography for more than 20 years, but when relatively cheap smart telescopes became available I got a ZWO Seestar S50. I'm still exploring that. I followed that up with a real telescope mount that I'm still learning how to use.
Many astrophotography techniques do not require a guided telescope, such as solar system events (eclipses) and of the wide sky (the Milky Way). Such events include dedicated pages (2003, 2017, 2023 and 2024 eclipses, 2004 Venus transit) while others are single images mixed in with other content (2012 Venus transit, 2016 Mercury transit). The 2004 Massachusetts page has a number of sun, moon and stars images. Here are the categories of celestial objects.
Future and past celestial events, and my probable viewing location for future events:
- Partial eclipse: Mar. 29, 2025, Northeast US.
- Solar eclipse: Aug. 22, 2044, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota.
- Transit of Mercury: Nov. 12, 2032, not visible in the Western Hemisphere. Best place to watch may be Madagascar. Next one visible in US is 2049.
- Transit of Venus: Dec. 10, 2117, US west coast.
- Local images, Winter 2024-25: Images from the yard and the universe, winter 2024-25. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Local images, Autumn 2024: Images from the yard and the universe, autumn 2024. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Local images, Summer 2024: Images from the yard, birds and star trails, summer 2024. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Total eclipse road trip: Eclipse as seen from Texas. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Local images, Winter 2023-24: Trail camera in the Montana woods. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Annular solar eclipse: Annular solar eclipse from Rio Rancho, NM, Oct. 14, 2023. Orange color images were shot with film filter on camera lens, neutral color images shot with glass filter on telescope. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Transit of Mercury: Transit of Mercury, Mercury crossing the Sun, November 2019. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Solar Eclipse: Solar Eclipse, Aug. 21, 2017 as seen from Jay Em, Wyoming. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Top 10 (+) scenic images from South Dakota: I'm not really a scenic photographer, but here are some scenes (and some "other") from around South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Black Hills and the Transit of Mercury: Various images collected in May 2016, including trailcam and other wildlife in the Black Hills and one from the Transit of Mercury on May 9. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Trailcam update and partial eclipse: Trail cam check, partial solar eclipse in October 2014, and a few bugs and flowers at Denver Arboretum. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Around New York City: New York City Buildings, Monuments and Museums, Spring 2012. [Photos] [Narrative]
- Massachusetts: Around Massachusetts circa 1998-2007, wildlife, scenery, astrophotography. [Photos]
- June 8, 2004 Venus Transit: Unlike the May 30, 2003 Annular Eclipse which I had to go to Iceland to view, I was able to see at least a part of the transit of Venus across the face of the Sun from my back yard. There were some clouds when I got up, but by the time my equipment was in place at 6:10 a.m. it was clear enough to see the black dot of Venus crawling across the face of the sun. In Europe they were able to see the full event, but from my location on the East Coast I saw about the last hour of it. Photos of the full sun were taken with a Canon 1D, 300mm f4 lens, stacked 1.4x and 2x teleconverters, ISO 200, exposure between 1/80 @ f11 and 1/100 @f16. There must have been a slight haze in the air because this was slower shutter speed than my tests the previous weekend. The closeup was taken with a digiscope consisting of a Meade ETX 125 telescope, a 20mm eyepiece, and a Canon S330 2-megapixel camera. I'm not sure of my calculations, but I think the view below is 135x. [Photos] [Narrative]