Local images, Summer 2024
Images from the yard, birds and star trails, summer 2024. Click on any image to load larger image and start slide show. [Narrative]
Northern Flicker (male), motion trigger. Northern Flicker (female), motion trigger. Northern Flicker (male), trail camera.
Northern Flicker (male), trail camera.
Northern Flicker (female), trail camera.
Northern Flicker (female), trail camera.
Northern Flicker (male), trail camera.
Northern Flicker (male), motion trigger.  This is a demonstration of Photoshop´s AI noise reduction.  The image was shot just before dusk at ISO 20000.
Northern Flicker (male) flicks water in the air, motion trigger. Northern Flicker (male), motion trigger.  Late in the evening, ISO 5000, Photoshop AI DeNoise used to reduce noise. Hummingbird.  The diagonal line is a spider´s web from the house to the feeder. Hummingbird.
Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird male and fledgling, trail camera. Bluebird female, fledgling and male, trail camera. Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird, motion trigger.
Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird, motion trigger.
Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird, motion trigger. Bluebird on the back fence. Juvenile bluebird, motion trigger.
Bluebird, motion trigger. Deer checking out birdbath, motion trigger. Another view of the deer getting a drink at the birdbath, the device is the motion sensor for the DSLR. Fawn sprinting past the camera. Deer looking up at drone in my yard. Same deer as in previous image from drone, this one from ground level DSLR.
Blackbird, trail camera. Blackbird, trail camera. Blackbird flees from the lawn sprinklers, trail camera. Magpie. Magpie. Robin, motion trigger.
Robin, motion trigger. Robin, motion trigger. Robin, motion trigger. Robin on trail camera. Robin on trail camera. Robin getting its picture taken by trail camera (previous image).
Robin really, really close to trail camera. Robin using the bird bath, motion trigger. Robin diving in, motion trigger. Robin fledgling, trail camera. Robin, motion trigger. Robin, motion trigger.
DJI Mavic 3 Pro drone. DJI Mavic Mini 4K drone. Bright partial rainbow with a faint double. Bright partial rainbow. First attempt at star trails, 271 stacked 30-second images. Second attempt at star trails, 330 stacked 30-second images.
One 30-second frame from the second star trails composite.  There are two segments of passing planes left and bottom, and at right is a satellite or meteor. Third attempt at star trails, 300 stacked 30-second images.  Facing west this time instead of north. Random shot of the Milky Way. Red Lodge Mountain star trails. Sunspots, M100 camera, glass solar filter on 100-400mm lens.  Processed to show texture. Red Lodge Wings and Wheels fly-in and car show.  Beechcraft A45 Mentor aircraft, a precursor to the T-34 trainer.

Blog Entries for Local images, Summer 2024:
September 2024
9/1/2024 Star trails - Several attempts at capturing star trails. stars
July 2024
7/28/2024 Drones - I have finally taken the plunge into drones. photography
June 2024
6/30/2024 Summer 2024 - Images from summer in Red Lodge, 2024. flicker, trailcam

Blog Entries for other Summer 2024:
August 2024
8/21/2024 Mountain Goats - We found the mountain goats, Beartooth Pass. goats, pika
July 2024
7/11/2024 Montana Highline - Drive across northern Montana. Ibis, shorebirds, dragonflies
7/4/2024 Red Lodge 4th of July - Every July 1-4 in Red Lodge, Montana, there are parades, rodeos, and a fireworks display. rodeo, fireworks, photography

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil