All photos on 2008
Enter a year 1998-2025.
Some pages contain images from more than one year and the descriptions may refer to other years, but displayed here are only the photos taken in 2008.

Mississippi River eagles - Mississippi River eagles, Iowa/Illinois, January 2008. Bald eagles eating fish.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Miss. River Eagle
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle yanks a fish out of the Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle with a fish, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Juvenile bald eagle makes a big splash for a small fish, Mississippi River.
Juvenile bald eagle latches on to a big fish, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Juvenile bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bald eagle, Mississippi River.
Bison, Neal Smith NWR, Iowa.
Bison, Neal Smith NWR, Iowa.
Bison, Neal Smith NWR, Iowa.

Missouri River Eagles - Fort Randall Dam, South Dakota, February 2008. Bald eagles.
Bald eagle, Ft. Randall dam, South Dakota.
Bald eagle, Ft. Randall dam, South Dakota.
Juvenile bald eagle, Ft. Randall dam, South Dakota.
Juvenile bald eagle, Ft. Randall dam, South Dakota.
Juvenile bald eagle, Ft. Randall dam, South Dakota.
Juvenile bald eagle, Ft. Randall dam, South Dakota.
Bald eagles, Ft. Randall dam, South Dakota.

Black Hills - Custer State Park, South Dakota, February 2008. First bighorn sightings, bison, pronghorns, prairie dogs.
Bison, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison jousting, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison jousting, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison jousting, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison jousting, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison jousting, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison jousting, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn scratches on a dry weed, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn scratches on a dry weed, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn at rest, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn at rest, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Deer at dusk, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Deer, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Burros, a non-native invasive species, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Prairie Dog, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Prairie Dog, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Prairie Dog, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Prairie Dog barking, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Prairie Dogs, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ram, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ewe and ram, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ram, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ram, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Black Hills Bighorn
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ram jumping a highway guardrail, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison late afternoon, Custer State Park, South Dakota.

South Carolina - Sights around Charleston, South Carolina, March 2008.
Ft. Sumter, South Carolina.
Ft. Sumter, South Carolina.
Propeller on a model of a precursor to the Confederate submarine Hunley, Charleston, South Carolina.
Naval gun at Patriot´s Point, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
Flight deck of the USS Yorktown, Charleston, South Carolina.
FA-18 Hornet on the deck of the USS Yorktown, Charleston, South Carolina.
USS Yorktown and the Ravenel Bridge, Charleston, South Carolina.

Florida Wading Birds - Egrets, herons and other wading birds in Florida, March 2008.
Egret, St. Augustine Alligator Farm.
Florida Egret
Egret, St. Augustine Alligator Farm.
Egrets build a nest, St. Augustine, Florida.
Florida Egrets
Egret coming in for a landing, St. Augustine, Florida.
Egret coming in for a landing, St. Augustine, Florida.
Egret looking for fish, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Nesting wood storks, St. Augustine, Florida.
Nesting wood storks, St. Augustine, Florida.
Wood stork having a bad hair day, St. Augustine, Florida.
Wood stork with some nesting material St. Augustine, Florida.
Wood stork with a lot of nesting material St. Augustine, Florida.
Reddish Egret, Merritt Island NWR, Florida.
Blue Heron collecting sticks, Venice, Florida.
Blue Herons building a nest, Venice, Florida.
Blue Heron collecting sticks, Venice, Florida.
Blue Herons building a nest, Venice, Florida.
Blue Heron building a nest, Venice, Florida.
Blue Heron building a nest, Venice, Florida.
Blue Heron building a nest, Venice, Florida.
Blue Heron, Venice, Florida.
Tri-colored heron, St. Augustine, Florida.
Ibis at "Ding" Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Shorebirds at "Ding" Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Shorebirds at "Ding" Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
The birders at "Ding" Darling NWR freaked out when these Black-Necked Stilts showed up.  Apparently they are infrequent visitors to this area.  Sanibel Island, Florida.
Brown Pelican, "Ding" Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Brown Pelican splashing for fish, "Ding" Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.

Owls and Osprey - Owls and osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park and other locations in Florida, March 2008
Great Horned Owl fledgling and mother, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.  This image available for licensing.
Florida Owls
Great Horned Owl fledgling, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.  This image available for licensing.
Great Horned Owl, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Great Horned Owl, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, "Ding" Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Osprey, "Ding" Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey with material for patching nest after recent windstorms, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey coming in for a landing, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey with a big fish, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey takes fish elsewhere, first in sequence, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey takes fish elsewhere, second in sequence, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey having chow, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey having chow, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey points the fish’s head into the wind, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey (first of seven), Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Here comes another osprey (second of seven), Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Coming in for a landing (third of seven), Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Hovering (fourth of seven), Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Still hovering (fifth of seven), Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Touchdown (sixth of seven), Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Slip sliding away (seventh of seven), Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
After you chew the head off the fish, it´s time to take it back to the nest.  Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey vocalizing.  Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Another view of the Great Horned Owl fledgling and mother, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.  This image available for licensing.

Miscellaneous Wildlife - Butterflies, crabs, gators, bison and other wildlife images from my drive to and around Florida, March 2008.
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.  This image available for licensing.
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Florida Butterfly
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Florida Butterfly
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Butterfly covered with pollen, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Butterfly covered with pollen, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Butterfly, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Fox, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Ghost crab, Lower Suwannee NWR, Florida.
Gators, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, Florida.
Gator, Washo Preserve, South Carolina.
Red Wolf, enclosure at Sewee Visitor Center, South Carolina.
Woodpecker, Honeymoon Island State Park.
Tortoise, Honeymoon Island State Park.
The coots were out of the water and foraging on the road, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Blackbird, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Bison, Neal Smith NWR near Des Moines.
Bison, Land Between the Lakes NRA, Kentucky.
Bison, Land Between the Lakes NRA, Kentucky.

TICO Warbirds Air Show - TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida, March 2008.
Heritage Flight, F-15 Eagle, P-51 Mustang, and F-16 Falcon, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
Heritage Flight
F4U Corsair, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
F4U Corsair
P-51 Mustang, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
P-51 Mustang
P-51 Mustang, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
P-51 Mustang
P-51 Mustang, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
P-51 Mustang
P-51 Mustang, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
P-51 Mustang
P-51 Mustang, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
P-51 Mustang
B-25 Mitchell bomber, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
B-25 Mitchell bomber, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
A-26 Invader "Spirit of NC," TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
A-26 Invader "Spirit of NC," TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
A-26 Invader "Spirit of NC," TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
L-39 (blue) and L-29 jets of Czech origin, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
Czech jets
L-39 Czech jet painted as a Blue Angel, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
Czech jet
F-104 Starfighter, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
F-104 Starfighter
F-16 Falcon smashing moisture out of the air, TICO Warbirds Air Show, Titusville, Florida.
F-16 Falcon

Miscellaneous Southeast - Miscellaneous images from my drive to the Southeast, March 2008.
St. Patrick´s Day at Hammond Stadium, spring training home of the Minnesota Twins in Ft. Myers, Florida.
Daffodils signaling spring is on the way, Land Between the Lakes NRA, Kentucky.

Kansas - Shorebirds, Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas, April 2008. Waterbirds, owl, Hutchinson salt mine. Also eagle's nest, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri, April and May 2008.
American Avocet, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
American Avocet, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Avocets squabbling, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Avocets squabbling, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
American Avocet, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
American Avocet, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
American Avocet, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
American Avocet, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Wilson´s Phalarope, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Wilson´s Phalarope, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Wilson´s Phalarope, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Wilson´s Phalarope, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Wilson´s Phalarope, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Wilson´s Phalarope, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Wilson´s Phalaropes, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Black-necked Stilt, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Black-necked Stilt, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Black-necked Stilt, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Black-necked Stilt, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Black-necked Stilt, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Black-necked Stilt, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Black-necked Stilt, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Great Horned Owl roosting, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Great Horned Owl roosting, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Yellow-headed Blackbird, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Kansas Blackbird
Snowy Egret, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Snowy Egret, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Black-crowned Night Heron, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Pelicans, Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas.
Shoveler ducks, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Plover, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Plover, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Dowitcher, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Sandpiper, Quivira NWR, Kansas.
Blue-winged Teal, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Explosives car, Kansas Underground Salt Museum, Hutchinson.
Kansas Underground Salt Museum, Hutchinson.
Eagle´s nest, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Eagle´s nest, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Eagle´s nest, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Eagle´s nest, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.  Digiscoped.
Eagle, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Eagle´s nest, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Eagle´s nest, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Canada geese, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Turtles on a log, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.
Raccoon, Squaw Creek NWR, Missouri.

Black Hills, June 2008 - Custer State Park and Devil's Tower National Monument, June 2008. Bison, prairie dogs, pronghorns, and more.
Bison, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Black Hills Bison
Bison, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Bison, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Bison mother and calf, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison calf, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bison mother and calf, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Prairie dogs being social, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Baby prairie dog, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Prairie Dog Manor, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Prairie dog in a sea of green, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn mother and fawn, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Pronghorn mother and fawns, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bunny rabbit, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Mountain Bluebird, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Devils Tower, Wyoming.
Golden eagle in nest near Quinn, South Dakota.
Upland sandpiper somewhere in western South Dakota.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Custer State Park

"Wings of Freedom" Warbirds - "Wings of Freedom" warbirds tour, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, July 2008. B-17, B-24, B-25, P-51.
B-17 Flying Fortress "Nine O Nine," Wings of Freedom tour.
B-17 Nine O Nine
B-17 Flying Fortress "Nine O Nine," Wings of Freedom tour.
B-17 Nine O Nine
Inside B-17 Flying Fortress "Nine O Nine," Wings of Freedom tour.  Visible are the ball turret hatch and, at right, one of the waist guns.
B-17 Nine O Nine
B-24 Liberator "Witchcraft," Wings of Freedom tour.
B-24 Witchcraft
Inside B-24 Liberator "Witchcraft," waist guns, Wings of Freedom tour.  This photo is on page 97 of the book Witchcraft B-24 Liberator by Kenny Kemp, 2017.
B-24 Witchcraft
B-25 Mitchell "Tondelayo," Wings of Freedom tour.
B-25 Tondelayo
Looking up into the bomb bay of B-25 Mitchell "Tondelayo," Wings of Freedom tour.
B-25 Tondelayo
P-51 Mustang "Betty Jane" being prepared for flight, Wings of Freedom tour.
P-51 Mustang

Local South Dakota - Woodpeckers in Newton Hills State Park, Balloons over Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Red-headed woodpecker, Newton Hills State Park, SD.
Red-headed woodpecker, Newton Hills State Park, SD.
Red-headed woodpecker chick peering out of nest hole, Newton Hills State Park, SD.
Balloon over my house in Sioux Falls.
Balloon over my house in Sioux Falls.
Balloons over my house in Sioux Falls.

Simmons Wildlife Safari - Big elk in Simmons Wildlife Safari near Omaha, August and September 2008.
Elk bugling, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska, September 2008.
Elk shedding antler velvet, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska, September 2008.
Elk, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska .
Elk, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk sparring, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk sparring, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk sparring, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk bugling, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk being rude, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk bugling, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk bugling, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Elk, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Sandhill crane, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
White bison, actually a crossbreed with Charolais cattle (not an albino or leucistic), Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.
Bison, Simmons Wildlife Safari, Nebraska.

Black Hills, September 2008 - Black Hills, Ellsworth Air Force Base, September 2008.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorns, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorns, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison, Custer State Park, SD.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rabbit in a prairie dog town, Wind Cave National Park, SD.
B1B Lancer bomber, Ellsworth Air Force Base, SD.
B52 Stratofortress bomber, Ellsworth Air Force Base, SD.
B25 Mitchell bomber converted to a transport for Gen. Eisenhower, Ellsworth Air Force Base, SD.
Ike's B-25
Deer caught on trail camera, Sioux Falls, SD.

Black Hills, October 2008 - Black Hills, October 2008.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorns, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorns, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ewes on the lawn of Norbeck Visitor Center, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ewes sparring, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ewe, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ewe, Custer State Park, SD.
Pronghorns, Custer State Park, SD.

New Mexico, October 2008 - Bosque del Apache, New Mexico, October 2008.
Electrical fire near Florence, Colorado.
Meadowlark takes flight, Colorado.
Harrier, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
Some sort of small raptor, perhaps a falcon, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
Some sort of hawk, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
Mule deer buck, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
One of a group of four mule deer bucks, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
Roadrunner, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
Roadrunner, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
Roadrunner, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
Turtle on a precarious perch, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM.

Missouri, November 2008 - Squaw Creek NWR, northwest Missouri, November 2008.
Snow geese, Squaw Creek NWR, MO.
Snow geese, Squaw Creek NWR, MO.
Snow geese, Squaw Creek NWR, MO.
Snow geese, Squaw Creek NWR, MO.
Snow geese, Squaw Creek NWR, MO.
Red-tailed hawk, Squaw Creek NWR, MO.
Bald eagle on a muskrat hut, Squaw Creek NWR, MO.

Black Hills, December 2008 - Black Hills, December 2008.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ewe, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn among the thistles, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn crossing the highway, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn with grass stuck in his horn, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Six Rocky Mountain Bighorn rams, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn rams, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ewe in the rocks above Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorns rams showing mating behavior, Cleghorn State Fish Hatchery, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn during mating season, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn during mating season, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn during mating season, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorns, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn during mating season, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorns in the snow, Custer State Park, SD.
Black Hills Bighorns
Three Rocky Mountain Bighorn ewes, Custer State Park, SD.
Four Rocky Mountain Bighorn ewes, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ewe, Custer State Park, SD.
Pronghorns among the grass, Custer State Park, SD.
Bald eagle, Custer State Park, SD.
Bald eagle, Custer State Park, SD.

Top 10 (+) Bighorn Sheep images from Black Hills of South Dakota - Favorite Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep images from Black Hills of South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond. Locations include Custer State Park and Cleghorn Springs State Fish Hatchery in Rapid City.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn ram jumping a highway guardrail, Custer State Park.  This was the first time I saw bighorns up close in CSP (or anywhere).
Rocky Mountain Bighorns in the snow, Custer State Park.
Rocky Mountain Bighorns rams showing mating behavior, Cleghorn Springs State Fish Hatchery, Rapid City.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn among the thistles on the hillside overlooking Cleghorn Springs State Fish Hatchery, Rapid City.

Top 10 (+) Bison and Pronghorn images from South Dakota - Favorite Bison and Pronghorn images from South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond. Locations include Custer State Park and Wind Cave National Park.
Bison jousting, Custer State Park.
Pronghorn mother and fawn, Custer State Park.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, SD.

Top 10 eagle images from South Dakota - Favorite eagle images from South Dakota 2007-17. Locations include Custer State Park, Ft. Randall dam, and a nest near Quinn.
Bald eagle, Ft. Randall dam.
Bald eagle, Ft. Randall dam.
Juvenile bald eagle, Ft. Randall dam.
Juvenile bald eagle, Ft. Randall dam.
Bald eagles, Ft. Randall dam.
Golden eagle in nest near Quinn.

Top 10 other mammal images from South Dakota - Favorite images of "other mammals" from South Dakota 2007-17, not including elk, bison, bighorns and pronghorns.
Prairie Dog Manor, Wind Cave National Park.  Compare these skinny spring pdogs to the fat one in the next image.
Bunny rabbit, Wind Cave National Park.

Top 10 small flying things images from South Dakota - Favorite images of little birds and butterflies from South Dakota 2007-17.
Red-headed woodpecker, Newton Hills State Park.
Red-headed woodpecker chick peering out of nest hole, Newton Hills State Park.  Even a long camera lens wasn´t enough, shot through a telescope.

Top 10 (+) scenic images from South Dakota - I'm not really a scenic photographer, but here are some scenes (and some "other") from around South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond.
Bison along the drive to my trailcam location, Wind Cave National Park.  One of my favorite "wallpaper" images.
Pronghorns among the grass, Custer State Park.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road, Custer State Park.

[Blog entries for 2008]

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil