Around Maine circa 2001-04. Click on any image to load larger image and start slide show.
Portland (Maine) lighthouse Portland (Maine) lighthouse Portland (Maine) lighthouse Nubble Light, York, Maine. Pemaquid Point Light, York, Maine. Pemaquid Point Light, York, Maine.
Maine Lighthouse. Sunset in Maine.

Blog Entries for Maine:
January 2006
1/8/2006 Lighthouses - Maine 2001-2004. lighthouse

Blog Entries for other Around New England:
July 2021
7/8/2021 What's Old - Images from Canon 1D Mark II 2004-08. cardinal, owl
May 2008
5/16/2008 Goldfinch - I saw some goldfinches at dusk in South Dakota, but the image is from Massachusetts. goldfinch
June 2007
6/7/2007 Photo of the Year - Bluejay is the belated selection for Photo of the Year 2006. bluejay
February 2007
2/3/2007 Shoot the Moon - Shooting the Moon with 500mm and extender. astro
January 2007
1/7/2007 Upon Further Review - A harrier turns out to be an owl, Plum Island, Massachusetts. owl
December 2006
12/31/2006 New (to me) - A hawk shows up in my back yard. hawk
12/28/2006 Killer Chickadee - Hanging around the suet feeder at Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary. bird
12/25/2006 Hanging - More 500mm shots. photography
12/20/2006 Lens Test - The big 500mm is unleashed on backyard birds. photography
12/19/2006 Camera Rotation - Goodbye to Canon S45 camera, hello to giant 500mm lens. photography
August 2006
8/20/2006 Old and New - Old image of cardinal and new image of bluejay. bird
8/12/2006 What now? - Hunting blind in my back yard…for bird photography. bird
8/10/2006 Dragonfly - Shooting dragonflys at Stony Brook Refuge, Mass Audobon. dragonfly
July 2006
7/18/2006 The Turkey Diaries - Turkeys in my yard 2000-2007 bird
7/15/2006 Phases - Shooting the waning Moon. astro
7/1/2006 Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Grosbeaks and Goldfinches in the back yard. bird
June 2006
6/17/2006 Bluebird - Digiscoping birds at Stony Brook Refuge, Mass Audobon. bird
6/11/2006 Sun and Moon - Trying out new digiscoping gadgets. astro
May 2006
5/19/2006 Digiscope - Experimenting with photographing chipmunks through a telescope. chipmunk
September 2002
9/28/2002 Candidate - Who is eligible for the Heisman? football
May 2002
5/19/2002 Nova Scotia - Ferry ride from Maine to Nova Scotia. international
May 2001
5/12/2001 Polar Bears - Providence Zoo. bear

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil