I happened across this image from 2002 today. It caught my attention because I haven't gotten one like this recently.  Cardinal, click for larger image. It was snapped with an old two-megapixel Canon S330 tethered to a computer by USB and triggered remotely. I haven't tried that method with my G6, but it is still a viable technique. Of course the best method if it's available is to get close and snap the bird with an SLR. It is overcast and gloomy today but I was able to get this blue jay portrait from my bedroom window with a the Canon 1D Mark II and 300mm f4 lens.  Blue Jay, click for larger image. I've spent a few years wishing for a small, light camera that will do everything I want it to do. The G6 is not it, and not just because the lens tops out at the equivalent of 140mm. I wouldn't dare use it at ISO 400, which is no problem with a DSLR. To get the blue jay on an overcast day, big and heavy is still required. |