Backyard images, summer 2023
Images from the yard and surrounding area, summer 2023. Bears, mountain lion, moose, magpies, hummingbirds, deer, butterflies, and marmots. Click on any image to load larger image and start slide show. [Narrative]
Magpie in back yard.  Remote trigger. Magpie in back yard.  Remote trigger. Magpie in back yard.  Remote trigger. Magpie in back yard.  Remote trigger. Crow in back yard.  Remote trigger. Little brown bird.  Remote trigger.
Northern Flicker. Northern Flicker. Hummingbird in back yard. Hummingbird in back yard. Hummingbird in back yard. Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in back yard. Hummingbird in back yard. Hummingbird in low light. Hummingbird in low light. Hummingbird in back yard. Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in back yard. Hummingbird in back yard. Mountain lion in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT. Mountain lion in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT. Black bear in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT. A brown-colored black bear cub in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.
Iīve gotten hundreds of trailcam images of this ground squirrel on a log where larger mammals have been seen passing.  Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT. Moose pair in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT. Moose calf in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT. Moose in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT, my brotherīs trail camera. Moose in the neighborhood, Red Lodge, MT. Moose cow/calf in the neighborhood, Red Lodge, MT.
Moose in the neighborhood, too tall for the trailcam, Red Lodge, MT. Deer in back yard. Deer leaping fence. Deer in back yard. Deer in neighborhood. Deer on trailcam in national forest.
Deer on trailcam in national forest. Deer grotesquely shedding its velvet. Deer on trailcam, Red Lodge, MT. Sandhill crane near Red Lodge, MT. Sandhill crane in the neighborhood, MT. Butterfly on the Palisades Trail, Montana.
Butterfly on the Palisades Trail, Montana. Butterfly near Lake Creek Falls, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming. Butterfly near Lake Creek Falls, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming. Butterfly near Lake Creek Falls, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming. Cat-faced spider on my driveway. Cat-faced spider on my driveway.
Marmot at the top of the pass, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming. Marmot, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming. Marmots, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming. Marmot, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming. Marmots on alert as predator flies over, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming.

Blog Entries for Backyard images, summer 2023:
September 2023
9/20/2023 Giant spider - Spider on my driveway. spider
August 2023
8/20/2023 Today's Photo - I needed an August 20 photo, and a moose pair obliged. moose
8/17/2023 A new day - A northern flicker in the back yard. woodpecker
8/8/2023 Hummers - Hummingbirds in the back yard. hummingbird
July 2023
7/22/2023 Summer 2023 - Summing up the summer, starting with a bear on trailcam. bear, bird, marmot
7/7/2023 Ride - Images from today's bike ride. deer, flower
June 2023
6/28/2023 Flash - Using flash on hummingbird photos. hummingbird, photography

Blog Entries for other Summer 2023:
July 2023
7/6/2023 Red Lodge 4th of July - Parade, rodeo and fireworks in Red Lodge, MT. fireworks, rodeo

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil