When I did my "Today in History" project a month ago, I found that I had images for all but 21 days of the year. Yesterday I noticed that today, August 20, was one of the missing dates and started pondering what I could get to fill in that hole. Problem solved just before 8:00 a.m. when a moose cow/calf pair went through the neighborhood. The last time we saw a moose out our back window was February 2021.
The first two images were taken with the 6D and 300mm lens as I drove around the neighborhood without shoes trying to catch up with them. The pair apparently were on opposite sides of our back fence as they went by our property. The cow was too tall for my west-facing trail camera but the image is still worth posting. The calf passed within inches of the east facing camera and it was just a brown blur, so I didn't used that one.
The next two holes in my "Today in History" lineup are August 30 and September 1. I've got two vacancies that fall during a scheduled trip to Michigan late next month. Click on an image to load the Summer 2023 page.
Five hours later: Two sandhill cranes are in the field behind the house. They are often two miles to miles to the northwest, but I've never seen them here before. If I hadn't gotten a Photo of the Day earlier, I would use the one shown below even though it is a bit distant and not real sharp.

 Trail camera
 February 2021