Argentina and Chile
Of course you can't just fly to Antarctica. We stopped for a few days in Argentina on the way down and made an overnight stop in Chile on the way back. Click on any image to load larger image and start slide show. [Narrative]
The dance of Buenos Aires, the tango. They told us in Ushuaia the tango is identified only with the city of Buenos Aires.  Elsewhere, the gaucho heritage is celebrated. A fox jogs past the tourist buses at the national park near Ushuaia. Statue of the Virgin in Santiago, Chile. There sure did seem to be a lot of stray dogs just laying around in Santiago1. A vendor plays a music box to attract notice, La Boca, Buenos Aires.
An old man finds a bench, La Boca, Buenos Aires. Roceletta Cemetery, Buenos Aires. Roceletta Cemetery, Buenos Aires. Duarte family mausoleum, final resting place of Evita, Roceletta Cemetery, Buenos Aires. I never expected that the first Segway I would ever see would be in Santiago, Chile.

Blog Entries for Argentina and Chile:

Blog Entries for other Antarctica, Nov/Dec 2003:
March 2022
3/18/2022 Antarctica redux - Added a few images to Antarctica 2003. penguin
March 2006
3/15/2006 March of the Penguins - March of the Penguins movie, great video, stupid narration. penguin
August 2005
8/26/2005 Favorites Places - I pick my 12 favorite places to visit. scenic
December 2003
12/12/2003 Antarctica - Small ship cruise to Antarctica. penguin, international

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