Trailcam Inferno
Forest fire captured on trailcam, and a few wildlife images. Click on any image to load larger image and start slide show. [Narrative]
Elk image three days before the forest fire, Wind Cave National Park. Elk image three days before the forest fire, Wind Cave National Park. First view of the approaching fire, Wind Cave National Park. Just 30 seconds after the previous image, fire starts to engulf tree at center-right, Wind Cave National Park. Fire goes higher up the tree, Wind Cave National Park. After less than a minute, smoke already obscuring the right-center tree, Wind Cave National Park.
Fire advances, Wind Cave National Park. Fire advances, Wind Cave National Park. Fire advances, Wind Cave National Park. Fire flares up, Wind Cave National Park. Big flare, Wind Cave National Park. Fire surrounds the camera, Wind Cave National Park.
In the middle of the inferno, Wind Cave National Park. Fire starting to die down, Wind Cave National Park. A few hot spots remain, Wind Cave National Park. Thick smoke, Wind Cave National Park. Less than nine minutes after the first image, the fire has charred the area and moved on, Wind Cave National Park. One of the few images I got from the Browning trailcam before it was damaged by fire, Wind Cave National Park.
Elk, Wind Cave National Park. Elk, Wind Cave National Park. My trail cameras were located at the bottom of this hill in Wind Cave National Park 2012-18. Turkeys along the road in north-central Nebraska. Fort Niobrara NWR semi-frozen waterfall. Fort Niobrara NWR semi-frozen waterfall.
Bighorn ewe, Badlands National Park. Badlands National Park touched by snow. Deer racing along flats above the Badlands. Deer in the Badlands. Moose in Montana on trailcam.

Blog Entries for Trailcam Inferno:
June 2018
6/5/2018 First Light - Montana moose on trail camera. moose
February 2018
2/14/2018 Trailcam Inferno - Three trail cameras get caught in a forest fire, with one destroyed and two damanged. fire

Blog Entries for other Trailcam Inferno:

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil