Kansas Cosmosphere: The Liberty Bell 7 Mercury capsule was on a national tour when I visited the Kansas Cosmosphere in 2005, bit it was there when I stopped again in 2007 and got this image. I was back at the Cosmosphere in 2018, but once again the capsule was touring. As of 2020, Liberty Bell 7 is again on display at the Cosmosphere, which owns it.  Date: 1/5/2007.  [#1704-D3026]  Click on image for next photo. [Narrative]

The Liberty Bell 7 Mercury capsule was on a national tour when I visited the Kansas Cosmosphere in 2005, bit it was there when I stopped again in 2007 and got this image.  I was back at the Cosmosphere in 2018, but once again the capsule was touring.  As of 2020, Liberty Bell 7 is again on display at the Cosmosphere, which owns it.  Click for next photo.

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