Mississippi River eagles
Mississippi River eagles, Iowa/Illinois, February 2011. Click on any image to load larger image and start slide show. [Narrative]
Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa. Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa. Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa. Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa. Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa. Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle having a meal, Keokuk, Iowa. Bald Eagle having a meal, Keokuk, Iowa. Bald Eagle coming in for a landing, Keokuk, Iowa. Bald Eagle taking off, Keokuk, Iowa. Bald Eagle taking off, Keokuk, Iowa. Bald Eagle over the Mississippi River, below Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Bald Eagle with fish, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois. Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois. Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois. Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois. Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois. Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois. Chickadee, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois. Chickadee found something of interest in the snow, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois. Red-bellied woodpecker, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois. Red-bellied woodpecker, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois. Downey woodpecker at feeder, Credit Island, Iowa.
Cardinal, Credit Island, Iowa. Cardinal at feeder, Credit Island, Iowa. Cardinal, Credit Island, Iowa. Pelican, somewhere over Iowa. Deer in Neal Smith NWR near Des Moines, Iowa. Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.

Blog Entries for Mississippi River eagles:
February 2014
2/23/2014 Director's Cut: Eagles 2011 - Adding images to February 2011 eagles album. eagle
February 2011
2/10/2011 A few eagles - Mississippi River eagles. eagle

Blog Entries for other Mississippi River Eagles 2011:

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